Showing posts with label Distinct Advantage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Distinct Advantage. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 February 2021


Who I am and what I stand for

First and foremost I am a black man living in London who grew up under the influences of reggae music which embodied a form of identity, knowing who you are and what challenges you are facing and continually face.

Out of all of this came my creative side of me heavily influenced particularly by my mother who in the sixties wore stylistic clothing, and then into the late eighties when I started raving with my friends it was all about what you were wearing, and in some cases how much you paid for it.

In the eighties for me there was a lot of double breasted jackets and crocodile shoes which happened to be the must have in those days. I also had a pair of zebra skins in green leather, they were the absolute bollox. Then came the wearing of leather & suede’s; these types of garments would normally be worn as a matching suit, and I had it in bowls.

I always knew how to match my clothing and it gave me a kind of lift that made me feel almost as a millionaire.

I always had at the back of my mind that fashion was always going to be something that I would be engaged in. I noticed that particularly at the end of the late eighties early nineties it became obvious to me that in particular men’s boots which I always like to wear were becoming more and more difficult for me to find something half decent to wear; because I did not want to wear some basic and what every other Tom Dick & Harry was wearing, I wouldn’t have minded if the style was right, but all I could ever find would either be a basic Derby or Chelsea boot, that weren’t going to be good enough for me, because I knew that I was better than that.

So in the early nineties when I studied footwear technology & design I started to sketch all the designs that I wanted to wear, and soon after graduating from college, I always knew that I wanted to start my own fashion business, and put together my first collection of men’s boots. Later to be followed by women’s boots.

It hasn’t been easy getting to where I am today, I have faced a lot of rejection, from not been given an opportunity for an internment at a shoe making factory to develop my skills to spending hughes amounts of money on exhibiting at fair shows and not generating any sales was to say the least demoralising and I have to admit a bit soul destroying, but nethertheless my tenacity would prevail I would not be denied, I have always believed in myself regardless as to whether nobody else does. This is what keeps me with my head held up as oppose to down. Because even when I am down I sometimes feel like I am up. Strange isn’t it?

So now the games on I have got myself out there and all I need is customers, and strangely enough that’s where you come in, because with people like you it makes life for me, and I dear say it a hell of a lot easier.

If you like me get frustrated when mediocre prevails especially in fashion it can make you feel like tearing your hair out, but when you come across a designer or brand that wants people to feel that extra bit special then I take my hat off to them.

I remember once trying to reinvigorate the flairs in men’s jeans and I got a lot of comments, some would say nice jeans where did you get them from? Others would stare in a bewildering manner, and some would have temerity to challenge me to a form of dual about my fashion sense, it was hilarious. But what I learned from all of that is that you simply can’t please all the people all of that the time, you win some you lose some.



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Saturday, 1 February 2014

Fashion Conscious

As a fashion conscious person you may take pride in the type of garments you wear and also footwear you choose to wear with any particular outfit. This is good because it shows that you have carefully selected that type of outfit for a particular occasion, for example if you are going for a job interview you would do well if you presented yourself according to the post you were applying for, but in most cases surveys have proven that wearing a smart suit shows that you are professional in your thinking.

Making an effort in your appearance can also boost your self esteem, for example if you did nothing else but wear legging every single day of the week you may feel as though you are retired to the kitchen, on the other hand if you were to put on a lovely dress, it may have an effect on you making you feel sensual and receptive; likewise for men if you simply bung on a tee shirt and jeans every day you may feel as though all you are worth is slumping yourself on the sofa watching football, on the other hand if you were to select a nice shirt and a smart pair of trousers, you may feel more uplifted if only for your self esteem.

You don’t have to rich to make an effort, you just need to be confident in yourself and the rest will look after itself.

If you’re not good at fashion, you can get a lot of tips by simply checking out the latest websites on fashion or even looking through fashion magazines to see what models are wearing and look for things similar at affordable prices according to your budget.

You don’t have to follow a trend to look good, because records shows that what might be trendy this year is not necessary going to be trendy next year, but hey, who says that you have to be trendy? You only need to show that you have put some effort into your appearance which will boost your esteem.

One sad mistake people in relationships may find themselves wanting to buy something special for their partner or husband, no offense but if the outfit you have chosen for me is going to make me look like a clown, then I’d  rather you save your money or play it safe and buy me some aftershave.  Shoes and boots are particularly discerning because they can either make you or break you.  I remember a particular occasion where my best friend almost had a bust up because one of my other friends cracked a joke at my best friend saying that his shoes rather resembled canoes, and my best friend was not best pleased with his comment, which could have caused him to have a bloody nose. Hence the emphasis unless you have paid particular attention to your spouses dress sense, save yourself the embarrassment in having to question your partner why they have hidden the shoes you thought were the bees knees at the back of the wardrobe.